Friday, January 8, 2010

My 2010 Goals

It was just the other day the topic of New Year resolutions came up. I said I didn't believe in resolutions because no one keeps them. How many people do you know that actually keep their resolutions? It has a negative connotation. Instead, I have made some goals for the New Year. Yes, not all goals are kept either but it sounds better when you say you didn't accomplish your goals.

Here are my goals for 2010:

1. Make this writing blog a success. A success for me right now would be 2 dozen people following the blog and contributing to it. I'd love to have help in my new path in writing.

2. Write a new short story once a week. So far I'm doing good with this goal. I have written two stories. I haven't put them out on the blog yet but I plan to. I figure if I could write one short story a week then I could have 40-50 by the end of the year (yes, as you can tell I've given myself some leeway for when I don't get a story out).

3. Lose 20 lbs. I'd love to get back in the shape I was 10 years ago after high school. That was back when I did work out for sports. I've sense stopped working out leaving my stomach protuding a bit too much. Plus my wonderful wife looks fantastic and if I'm not careful she may lose interest in me. I love you honey! She's preparing for a half marathon in a week and she has plans to do 4-5 triathlons this year. She's awesome!

4. Get something published. Back to the purpose of this blog. I read in a book recently (On Writing by Stephen King) that if you want to become a good writer you must do two things: 1. Read a lot. 2. Write a lot. Well, I love reading although I listen to most books now since I drive 40 minutes one way to work. And this blog is helping the writing (I hope). I'd like to get some of my short stories published. That would be awesome. Does anyone know a publisher?

5. Become interested in a new author. I'm a huge Clive Cussler fan and always will be. Mr. Cussler if you are out there reading this I'd love to meet you. Maybe that should become goal # 6. My Mom introduced me to some James Patterson books which I've enjoyed. Looking for another author to read. Any good suggestions?

6. Spend more time with my family. Now this will be a tough goal because I already leave for work by 7:30 am and am usually not home until 5:30 pm. This leaves just a few hours and with my goals of getting in shape and reading and writing more that takes additional time. So, like right now I am writing this at 10:00 pm with the kids to sleep I guess I'll have to make sacrifices. Going back to Mr. Cussler I read he started writing during the eveings while his wife, who was a nurse, was working.

Is six an unlucky number? I'm leaving my goals at six for now. It's a good even number.

1 comment:

  1. You wrote them down . . . that means I can hold you to it!
